Senior HARP UK Winter Workshop 23 - 24 Participant Application

28.12.2023 - 2.1.2024 | What the fee covers:
Our registration price covers your accommodation, food and all activities needed for a great experience away from the hustle and bustle of life where you get to explore your potential in God.

If you would like to donate or sponsor a young person for the HARP Summer Workshop, please click here. (Or if you would like to donate to HARP in general please click the link)
This winter we are gathering young people between the ages of 14 to 18 years from across the UK and Europe for a Senior HARP workshop and you are invited! (Participants must turn 14 by the 31srt of January)

28th of December 2023 to 2nd of January 2024

DEADLINE Early Bird: £160 EXTENDED until 26th November

DEADLINE Normal Fee: £175
until 14th December 2023

Late fee: £190 after the 14th December 2023

Once you have completed this registration form, you will be registered for the workshop and additional information will be sent in the coming days. The workshop directors for this workshop will be Grace T. and Pyong Chan D., with Samuel S. as Coordinator. For any enquiries, please email

My Oath - Clear, Centered, Transcendent

Oath: a solemn promise, often invoking a divine witness, regarding one's future action or behaviour.
We came into this world through our parent's commitment to God and True Parents, and now we stand here in this present moment as the next generation. What will we pass on? What is our purpose? Who do we want to become?

This winter workshop, we want to support each other in understanding our roots, making sense of our current realities, and finding strength and courage together. We want to go deeper and find clarity in our matching and blessing tradition True Parents gave. The answers are not waiting for us in some faraway place, but maybe they are within us, in our original nature and God. Let us transcend the now and make ourselves a resting place for God. Let us strive to create future families where God can dwell. It's a calling to be clear and deeply rooted in our spiritual life, not just our personal ambitions. It is our turn to take responsibility in our life of faith and go further in offering our Oath to God as we enter the new year. More than ever, God needs you. What is God personally calling for you to do? Let us end our year together as a family and start the new year Clear, Centered and Transcendent.

Participant Registration

Please select one option.
Please select one option.
Emergency Contact

Care Policy & Agreements

During our workshops we intend to have media recorded (photography and video) for the purpose of memories for the participants and parents and these will be distributed accordingly as stated below. However, if you would prefer your child not to be included in the media from the workshop feel free to reach out to us. Please note that although we will try our best, we cannot exclude participants from their team photos or the workshop group photo. 

I acknowledge that the photographs and videos taken during this workshop will be stored on the HARP UK office drive and may appear in the final workshop video - which will be posted on YouTube and shared with the communities. Photos may appear on the website, on the national newsletter or on the HARP UK Facebook page. For any queries, please contact us on

By completing this form I am consenting to have my personal data stored and used by FFWPU as outlined in the Privacy Policy. I am also consenting to abide by the honour code which I have read.I also confirm that I meet or am above the legal minimum age for data consent, which in the UK is 13. I am aware that I may contact FFWPU for a copy of the data they hold on me and/or to have my data removed at any time and that I must allow up to 30 days from the request being made for this to be carried out.

Please select all that apply.


28.12.2023 - 2.1.2024
What the fee covers:
Our registration price covers your accommodation, food and all activities needed for a great experience away from the hustle and bustle of life where you get to explore your potential in God.

If you would like to donate or sponsor a young person for the HARP Summer Workshop, please click here. (Or if you would like to donate to HARP in general please click the link)